We need your help to clean up Pole Mountain! Common Outdoor Ground is hosting a cleanup day in conjunction with the U.S. Forest Service and Wyoming Department of Transportation.
We'll meet at the Summit Visitor Center (Abraham Lincoln Statue) and then head out to a variety of locations, either pre-located sites or areas that may need attention.
Show up and depart at your leisure between 4 and 8 p.m. Forest Service staff will be available to assist with extracting and hauling larger items, and Common Outdoor Ground can direct you to sites that need the most help.
Please bring gloves and appropriate clothing, sunscreen, bug spray, etc. RSVP by e-mailing commonoutdoorground@gmail.com.
Food will be provided by Common Outdoor Ground.
Know of a specific location that's a mess? Send us the location(s) for your (least) favorite Pole Mountain trash pile and we'll direct Volunteers that way! Coordinates and specifics are helpful.